The Azalea Trail 10k was Saturday and I wanted to do it sooooo bad. I always "try" to PR on this course (this is where my 10k PR is now). I really like this race. Being so apprehensive, I thought it through again and again. I certainly did NOT want to relapse with this terrible bronchitis! Then I thought about my friend Bill G. who is going through terrible times with cancer. His great running and encouragement to me in the last 18 months came to mind. I thought if he can get out and ride his bike with other runners or walk around the block as sick as he is, surely I can run this, slow as it may be. That's it: I'll do it honoring him!! So, with new direction and my coughing almost gone, I saw no other way but to dedicate this race to him. Being down doesn't always mean being out! So I aimed to do the best I could; just like he does-the best he matter what!!
We arrived at the Civic Center the night before to pick up our race packets. There I ran into FB friends I'd not met yet and one I'd only met once at a race a year and half ago. I THOROUGHLY enjoyed the visiting. It's like close friends talking as fast as one can through out. It was such an exciting beginning to this year's race. Talking with MiHyang, La Von, Lee, Serina and her family was great. Here are a couple of pics. Love you, MiHyang!!

Nice pic with MiHyang, Kent and me at the Expo.
Let's start now by saying that my goal for this race was completely different from probably any I'd done before but I really, really, really wanted to do it. I had to re-focus if I wanted to attempt it. First, I wanted to do it! Yeah, that was a goal. Funny, huh? Second, I wanted to run it and not walk any of it.
It was really hot for me and Kent. We like it much cooler. Think it was in the low 70's at the start and very humid! Which takes you down a notch, too. Kent has contracted a really bad cold/allergy/or "something" attack. He's VERY congested. This kind of stuff we've had affects how or if you can breathe; therefore it affects any athletic ability to take in air. This was Kent's first 10k racewalk so it was a PR for him.
A couple of pre-race pics.

MiHyang, Gary T. and me.

My favorite pic of the day! We felt great and were so excited. Notice my race bib? It is attached to my bib/fuel belt. This is the second time I've used it and I love it! One reason? It stays put and doesn't move. It's not been used for fueling as I use a larger one with hydration bottles. But it has straps that will hold the gels in place along with the bib.
My time was 1:00:03. Dang it!!! Wish I had known a little ways back cause I really would have loved to have been under an hour. My PR for this race is 55:05 only a couple of years ago and I am soooo looking forward to breaking 55:00.
I believe there were more people that hung around after the race than I've ever seen before. Hey, there must have been a million...well, maybe not that many. I missed several I knew were there but saw most. Caught up with a couple. Boy, don't I look rough? At least, it was AFTER the race, ha!
Me, Deleica and Serina. This is for you, Bill...thumbs up, my friend!
We connected with several of our GCRC friends after the race. One had to withdraw after starting the race due to a pulled hamstring. :( Then there were three that weren't able to make it due to health reasons: Nancy with possible heart issues, Jessica for obvious ones (she's due April 4) and Mark (not pictured) with PF. Kent & I were included in the group pic this year and I'll post it if/when I get it. Hats off to Leonard V. for 2nd place in his age group of 119! Also, congratulations on the GCRC Teams! Both male and female teams won team awards.
Hope to see Nancy soon and next time I see Jessica I hope she'll be pushing one of those running strollers. They're both great runners and are missed by everyone.
All in all, it was one of the best Azalea Trail races I've participated in. I saw so many people I knew and was happy throughout this time. No, there wasn't a PR to be had by me but Kent got one. And, no, it was NOT my best run; but I ran it. I accomplished the two goals I had, which were realistic for the day. My race for the day was dedicated to a great runner and that made it special to me. Then I found out that I placed 9th out of 62 ladies in my 5-year age group!! I was totally shocked. Kent won 3rd place overall racewalker! Congrats, honey! I will post pictures when we receive them. This makes the 3rd time I've placed in this great race. This race was phenomenal to me this 2012. It really makes me want to do this race forever and ever.
And, I end with this. NEVER give up! You may have to alter your goals in light of the day's situation but running always wins over sitting on the couch. Now, get out there and...
Run 4 It