In the last couple of weeks, I made myself go outside to run some instead of staying on the treadmill as I had in years past. I know...a lot of my racing friends are probably gasping!!! Forbid...the treadmill. But those that don't suffer with allergies really don't understand. It's not always a choice. When the attacks come, it puts a halt to a lot of things in many ways. For me, my breathing is just not right. Constant sinus draining affecting the rhythym of your body as it moves, coughs, extra swallowing and many nights with little to no sleep... well, all-in-all your body is just plain worn down because there's no energy left for extra exertion. You don't know how blessed you are to not suffer with them. The bad thing: this has been going on since the end of February!! They'd get better, then worse, and the cycle continued over and over and over again.
After a period of ups and downs, I found myself constantly struggling to maintain any sort of consistency...I mean ANY kind of positiveness. Slowly, I found myself sinking into despair in being able to race much any more. My head fought "NO", but my body wasn't working like I knew it could. Don't get me wrong, I'm healthy, but allergies and those sort of things are taken for granted sooo much.
We had hope to run in the Wesson Memorial 2-mile race since it was only 2 miles. It was also a certified course and I hoped to set a new State Record. We got there and signed in, as usual. The first boost of energy came when I was handed the #1 bib. Number 1!!! This will never happen again. No, I didn't expect to win the thing, but I always thought that bib was left to those that were "expected" to win or to elite runners. Quickly, I got it from his hands knowing if he had wanted it back that would he would have a fight on his hands...that #1 was mine now, ha!
It was pretty humid but the sun seem to hide behind the clouds...yay! From a non-sweat-er, I was pouring the wet stuff while just standing in line to start. It was gonna be tough but I was settled into doing the best I could and be happy with that. It appeared many more had shown up than last year. As a matter of fact, the race was delayed until everyone finished registering. I was getting antzy (is THAT how you spell that?...I bet you know what I mean though)...okay let's get this thing going before the sun comes out from the clouds and heats up this place.
We both did the best we injuries to contend with and a burst of "endorphined" energy emerged. Off we went. I knew I would start out too fast as I always do. But I felt good and went with it. The course was hillier than I had remembered. You don't understand hills, until you have NONE to run and then you face them in races. It was a good race. Then something that I'd never faced before...a bottleneck at the Finish Line...what??? This was crazy! I knew Kent was going to have a surprise when he got there because the racewalkers and slower runners were all in the rear. Thankfully, there was someone that was clocking everyone as they came in.
The time came for awards. It was announced that the number of participants this year almost doubled from last year. Wow!! What a success for GCRC! Kent received 2nd Place Overall Male Racewalker and received a beautiful handmade award. I loved it! I'm so proud of him!

Then a long time passed...this happens when you get older cause we're usually at the age group was announced. But my name was not all. The ladies that went up I knew I had beat. They were not in front of me as far as I could remember. My confidence was thrown on the ground, stomped on and smashed to pieces. I don't mind losing out to those that are stronger than me but I was so confused. Had I gotten that bad??? Afterward, I asked if I could tell what place I had come in and it was said that the times would be posted online later. I left...with my head dragging...I really could not believe those ladies were ahead of me. This was a tough day for me. I left with my #1 Bib in hand proudly. That was one thing that was MINE. I must work harder...starting with being serious about my eating. But that would have to start after the 15th. There were several things about to happen that would take precidence in the eating arena. But I will get things back in order by the end of the month. My dear readers, I need me be accountable here!!
A couple of days later, I checked the race results and as it turned out, I won First Place in my age group!! I have never felt so relieved. Here are the results. Now, I'll not be so hard on myself. Kent took my picture in my #1 Bib holding his award as they were all the same with a medal tag on the back. Thanks, honey!

Here is a close-up of the award. Isn't it cool?
A few days later, I saw that I had set a State Record for my age, even cutting my time 3 seconds from last year!!! See here. I really needed all of this.
Thanks, Leonard, for a great job in all you do. It was tough this year. I know it was terribly hard for you that day, as well as those that helped you. Kent & I greatly appreciate it. It was so good to see friends we'd not seen in a while. We ran up with Tommy P. before the race; saw that Bob C. ran; Jennifer and Ray H. won awards; and saw that beautiful little Sophia (Bill G's granddaughter). She's gonna be a knock-out!
It turned out to be a really good day though I forgot my camera...UGH!! I couldn't believe I had beat my time last year in as poor a shape as I am in, that I attained a new State Record and that it was the best run I had done in months! Hope is returning. I'll take what I can when running...safely...and look forward to good races when it turns cooler. So glad there is one thing left to do...and that is to
Run 4 It