This race was going to be exciting for a few reasons. One, I'm doing well in the run/walk plan. Sometimes I have to vary this but all in all, it's all good. Because of this, I feel my body is getting stronger. Adjustments have been necessary since my birthday a year ago [yes, I said a YEAR ago]. Though I could lose some weight, I do believe a lot of it is age. My skin tone has changed as well as having little aches and pains in my joints. I fought adjustment for a long time but have begun embracing it; hence, I am a better runner and enjoying running again. It's been a while. I have learned to appreciate every day and that I am still healthy. It's all good!
I was better prepared for the race this year even though I could have used another month to train. Last year, I dehydrated about halfway through and had to resort to walking most of the last half of the race. And, I was totally running last year! It was SO hot and there weren't enough water stops!!! So this year, I brought water with me in case I needed it between the stops. Check. Looking forward to running this race again this week. Go, Sea Turtle!
At the packet pick-up the night before, I ran into a couple we know from Laurel. Gary and Anna were eating their pasta dinner. We talked for quite a while. It was so good to see them. They've recently bought a condo in the area so I expect to be seeing them more often at races.
A sweet friend was coming down to race this with me. As it turned out, several friends from where we use to live were here. Tim was doing his first half marathon. I was real excited for him. Guess I'll remember my first half and first full marathons better than any other race. The feeling of doing something so challenging is exhilarating. There's nothing like it. So in a way, I was reliving this with him. A quick pic with all three of us before the race.
Deleica, Tim & I
Deleica and I saw Moe the morning of the race. D learned of her when I shared about Moe having breast cancer. They have now become friends and have seen each other several times since at local races. I really like this pic of us. Longtime friends though we all don't see one another often.
Deleica, Moe & I
D shared with me that a couple more friends were coming down to run the race, too. I was surprised since they had done the Mercedes Full Marathon last week...and that's a tough one! Good to see you two. Getting in line to start...
Me, Ann, Penny & Deleica
The weather wasn't suppose to be in our favor. Storms throughout the night with thunderstorms through the morning. But, God was good and saw us through. There wasn't a drop of rain that fell, the skies were overcast and it was so much cooler than last year. NOT cool, mind you, but cool-ER than last year. To me, this was a blessing!! I was ready for it this time with my water bottle in my belt, ha!
The race went well though it was a little warm for the me. Crossing the line, we all got our medals. They were nice; I liked the design and colors.
We caught up with Tim. I believe it was harder than he expected...but he finished and that's a great accomplishment. I was thankful that his daughter, Laney, came out to run with him through the finish. She's so sweet. Congrats, Tim, on your first half. Looking forward to seeing you at more. Yes, he said he was interested in doing another...yay!! That means, success!
Folks, you should never take for granted the half marathon distance. It's a long way and many, many never attempt one. So many factors come into play that never would in shorter races. Crossing the line is indeed something to be proud of.
A large group of my Sole Sisters were there doing the Sweetheart 5k. I just love the SS shirts. Unfortunately, mine was always a little small and the dryer made sure that I'd never wear it again. Missed having my friend, Susan, run the half with me this year. We did it last year. Guess the heat done her in...maybe she'll do another one.
Tonya, Lin, Bama Ann, Pat, Linda, Susan & Auburn Ann
Another shot from the pocket. Yeah, when I got home and checked my pics I had MANY that were taken because the shutter kept clicking in my pocket! I did get a good one even if it was by accident, ha! Here you go, Linda.
Linda & Auburn Ann
As I was crossing the line, I saw my friend, Buck. I was so excited to have someone cheering me in. Kent wasn't able to come so I was alone...per se. Yes, he was waiting for ME! Thank you so much, friend! He won in his age group. Congrats!
Just before this, he came up to me and told me that I had won in my age group. I was so excited! NEVER did I think that would happen so I never even checked. From mile 9 on I had to change up my program and do a little more walking so I figured any chance of winning blew away. Well, here you go. I'm a proud owner of this 2nd place award cup.
2nd Place
I can't believe I am running in half marathons again. This is so exciting to me. I am thankful for the Run The Beach Series or I probably wouldn't be doing them. In the short amount of time of 2017, two half's have been a 15k. Maybe I need this commitment to keep me going. Do what motivates you. Do what you's all good!
Run 4 It