"When I do the best I can with what I have, then I have won my race." Jay Foonberg

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Double Bridge 15k Pics

Okay...........for whatever reason, I didn't get my pics on my Double Bridge post.  This will be short and sweet.  So, here we go.

Love the silver sparkle for the bridges. 

The colors this year were so pretty. 

And, of course, one of us!

Sea Turtle Half Marathon

This race was going to be exciting for a few reasons.  One, I'm doing well in the run/walk plan.  Sometimes I have to vary this but all in all, it's all good.  Because of this, I feel my body is getting stronger.  Adjustments have been necessary since my birthday a year ago [yes, I said a YEAR ago].  Though I could lose some weight, I do believe a lot of it is age.  My skin tone has changed as well as having little aches and pains in my joints.  I fought adjustment for a long time but have begun embracing it; hence, I am a better runner and enjoying running again.  It's been a while.  I have learned to appreciate every day and that I am still healthy.  It's all good!

I was better prepared for the race this year even though I could have used another month to train.  Last year, I dehydrated about halfway through and had to resort to walking most of the last half of the race.  And, I was totally running last year!  It was SO hot and there weren't enough water stops!!!  So this year, I brought water with me in case I needed it between the stops.  Check.  Looking forward to running this race again this week.  Go, Sea Turtle!

At the packet pick-up the night before, I ran into a couple we know from Laurel.  Gary and Anna were eating their pasta dinner.  We talked for quite a while.  It was so good to see them.  They've recently bought a condo in the area so I expect to be seeing them more often at races.

A sweet friend was coming down to race this with me.  As it turned out, several friends from where we use to live were here.  Tim was doing his first half marathon.  I was real excited for him.  Guess I'll remember my first half and first full marathons better than any other race.  The feeling of doing something so challenging is exhilarating.  There's nothing like it.  So in a way, I was reliving this with him.  A quick pic with all three of us before the race.

Deleica, Tim & I

Deleica and I saw Moe the morning of the race.  D learned of her when I shared about Moe having breast cancer.  They have now become friends and have seen each other several times since at local races.  I really like this pic of us.  Longtime friends though we all don't see one another often.

Deleica, Moe & I

D shared with me that a couple more friends were coming down to run the race, too.  I was surprised since they had done the Mercedes Full Marathon last week...and that's a tough one!  Good to see you two.  Getting in line to start...

Me, Ann, Penny & Deleica

The weather wasn't suppose to be in our favor.  Storms throughout the night with thunderstorms through the morning.  But, God was good and saw us through.  There wasn't a drop of rain that fell, the skies were overcast and it was so much cooler than last year.  NOT cool, mind you, but cool-ER than last year.  To me, this was a blessing!!  I was ready for it this time with my water bottle in my belt, ha!

The race went well though it was a little warm for the distance...to me.  Crossing the line, we all got our medals.  They were nice; I liked the design and colors.

We caught up with Tim.  I believe it was harder than he expected...but he finished and that's a great accomplishment.  I was thankful that his daughter, Laney, came out to run with him through the finish.  She's so sweet.  Congrats, Tim, on your first half.  Looking forward to seeing you at more.  Yes, he said he was interested in doing another...yay!!  That means, success!

Folks, you should never take for granted the half marathon distance.  It's a long way and many, many never attempt one.  So many factors come into play that never would in shorter races.  Crossing the line is indeed something to be proud of.

A large group of my Sole Sisters were there doing the Sweetheart 5k.  I just love the SS shirts.  Unfortunately, mine was always a little small and the dryer made sure that I'd never wear it again.  Missed having my friend, Susan, run the half with me this year.  We did it last year.  Guess the heat done her in...maybe she'll do another one.

Tonya, Lin, Bama Ann, Pat, Linda, Susan & Auburn Ann

Another shot from the pocket.  Yeah, when I got home and checked my pics I had MANY that were taken because the shutter kept clicking in my pocket!  I did get a good one even if it was by accident, ha!  Here you go, Linda.

Linda & Auburn Ann

As I was crossing the line, I saw my friend, Buck.  I was so excited to have someone cheering me in.  Kent wasn't able to come so I was alone...per se.  Yes, he was waiting for ME!  Thank you so much, friend!  He won in his age group.  Congrats!


Just before this, he came up to me and told me that I had won in my age group.  I was so excited!  NEVER did I think that would happen so I never even checked.  From mile 9 on I had to change up my program and do a little more walking so I figured any chance of winning blew away.  Well, here you go.  I'm a proud owner of this 2nd place award cup.

2nd Place

I can't believe I am running in half marathons again.  This is so exciting to me.  I am thankful for the Run The Beach Series or I probably wouldn't be doing them.  In the short amount of time of 2017, two half's have been completed...plus a 15k.  Maybe I need this commitment to keep me going.  Do what motivates you.  Do what you can...it's all good!

Run 4 It

Double Bridge 15k

Well, here we go again.  Wind!  But before you think I'm going to complain, let me say that shortly after starting the race and getting away from the water, the wind and temperature wasn't so bad.  The only thing about the wind in this race was the 32 degree wind chill.  Yikes!  And, guess who forgot her gloves...yep!  I think I'm going to pack a diddy bag with things I "might" need so I won't forget them or overthink it and just plain out not take them nearly always making the wrong decision.  For instance, gloves, ear muffs, knee straps, etc.

Most everyone stood behind the wall of the stadium that guarded them from the wind.  Thank goodness for that wall.  For several years now, we all find ourselves either huddled up against it or staying in the ladies room as long as you can without seeming like you're taking up space someone else should have.  It's so nice and warm in there.  Thank goodness for that huge bathroom!

As time neared for the race to start hardly anyone was moving out to the corrals.  It wasn't until about 5 minutes before it started did people begin to move.  Once there, I found a couple of ladies that seem to be friends standing close by.  They were taller than me so I "casually" huddled close by and let them buffer the wind from me.  The day was gorgeous.  I love how you can see the sun rise from the starting line.

Off we go...further away from the water.  Because we had stood so long outside my hands were frozen.  As a matter of fact, right after starting it dawned on me that I couldn't feel them.  Oh, where are my gloves!!!  At home snuggled in its usual place in a WARM room.  I began moving my hands around and I still couldn't feel them and began feeling pain where they use to be.  Getting a little alarmed, I began shaking them.  It hurt at first but then I realized that if I didn't get circulation moving soon, it would be worse because we were headed for the 3-mile bridge soon, which means subjection to the wind again.  Shake, shake, shake...oh, am I running??  I don't even know.  My goal had changed...at least, for now.  I just got to get my hands moving to prevent frost bite.  Yes, I really thought that!  After several minutes, I began go get some feeling back in them.  I was at the park and could see the water in the distance.  To me, that means the race is starting when you get alongside the water.

I love this race.  To get to run with water all around and the challenge those hilly bridges always present to me.  I just love to run over bridges.  The water is just so beautiful and I never think about running because I love to see God's beauty.  It's different every time.

As we head to the bridge, I realized I didn't feel the wind any more.  Guess moving interior, focusing on getting warm and looking at such beauty helped that.  When we began the climb, I felt the wind on my back.  It actually pushed you along.  It was great!!  What a difference to have a tail wind as opposed to the horrible head winds in the last race.  Don't think I've ever had wind that helped you along as long as that.  I ran about 3 miles!!  It felt so good.

All in all, I was so pleased with the race.  I continued to do my run/walk plan after the wind-push.  I've never placed in this race and I am very okay with that.  There are SO many people in it.  My time was 1:43:59 with an 11:07 pace.  Of course, not my best but getting back on my feet again.  I'll take it!  One step at a time...I didn't give up nor quit.  That spells success!

Coming up in two weeks is the Sea Turtle Half Marathon in Gulf Shores.  This is the second half in my 3-part series of the Run The Beach Series.  It's good to be alive and well.  Now, go

Run 4 It

2019 Races

  • 05/11/19...9.38 mile Good Life Ride
  • 04/13/19...Raven 5k
  • Dec. 15 - Mar. 8 2019...175 Mile Challenge
  • 02/16/19...Sweetheart 5k
  • 01/19/19...Casio Bridge 5k...DND

2018 Races

12/09/18...MS Gulf Coast Half Marathon
12/01/18...Honeybee 5k (cancelled-weather)
11/17/18...Seville Quarter Turkey Trot 5k
11/11/18...Battleship 12k
10/20/18...Hope Haven Run for Hope 5k
10/13/18...Shrimp Festival 5k
09/29/18...Don McCloskey 5k
09/01/18...Bloody Mary 5k
01/27/18...Casino Bridge 5k

Through December...200 Mile Fall Challenge
Through August...175 Mile Spring Challenge
Through June...150 Mile Spring Challenge

2018 Goals

Bike 500 miles.
Improve gear shifting.
Strength training 2 hours/week.
Run 600 miles.
Improve running without walking.
No processed sugar 75% of time.
Improve positive thinking.
NEVER give up!

2017 Races

  • 12/10/17...MS Coast Half
  • 12/09/17...MS Coast 5k
  • 11/25/17...Kaiser Half
  • 11/18/17...Wild Turkey Trot 5k
  • 11/11/17...Rotary Oyster 5k
  • 10/14/17...Shrimp Festival 10k
  • 02/18/17...Sea Turtle Half
  • 02/04/17...Double Bridge 15k
  • 01/29/17...Big Beach Half

2017 Bike Rides

  • 10/01/17...Southern Magnolia Ride [25.85]
  • 05/13/17...Good Life Ride [26]


  • MS Coast Double Down...5k & Half
  • Run The Beach...3 Half's

2017 Goals

  • Back-to-Back Races [Done]
  • 3 Half Marathons [Done +1]
  • 1,000 Miles-No
  • First Half Marathon Series [3 Done]
  • Work on core/strength 2-3 times a week-No
  • Lose 25 pounds-No
  • NEVER give up! YES!!
  • Control/Eliminate refined sugars-Good

2016 Races

  • 10/15/16...Shrimp Festival 5k
  • 05/30/16...Fiesta Five Flags 5k
  • 03/19/16...Azalea Trail 10k
  • 03/13/16...St. Pat's Leprechaun 5k
  • 03/05/16...Bay to Breakfast 12k...1st trail race
  • 02/20/16...Sea Turtle Half
  • 02/13/16...Double Bridge 15k

2016 Goals

  • Run 1,000 miles-Done
  • Bike 300 miles
  • Half Marathon-Done
  • Eat fruit daily
  • Push through the hard times-Done
  • Cut back on refined sugar

2015 Races

  • 12/19/15...Make It To The Line 4 Miler
  • 11/21/15...Wild Turkey Trot 5k
  • 11/14/15...Oyster 5k
  • 10/10/15...Shrimp Festival 5k
  • 05/30/15...PHind a Cure-W/D
  • 05/02/15...Fiesta Five Flags 5k
  • 04/18/15...Zydeco 5k - W/D
  • 04/??/15...Virtual Remember the Fallen 5k
  • 04/??/15...Virtual Boston Strong 5k
  • 04/11/15...Magnolia 5k
  • 03/28/15...Azalea Trail 10k
  • 03/07/15...Circle K 5k
  • 03/01/15...Gulf Coast Lulu's 10k
  • 02/28/15...Sweetheart 5k
  • 02/07/15...Double Bridge 15k

2015 Goals

  • 1 Half Marathon
  • Eat fruit daily
  • Overlook past failures
  • Push through the hard times/things

2014 Races

  • 12/06/14...St. Jude's Half Marathon
  • 08/16/14...Pinky 5k Virtual
  • 08/15/14...Howl @ the Moon 10k Virtual
  • 02/15/14...Sweetheart 5k
  • 02/01/14...Double Bridge 15k

2014 Goals

  • 1 Half Marathon
  • 700 Running Miles
  • Strengthen my Upper Body
  • Recuperate, Recover, Renew
  • Get active in WW
  • Eat Fruit Daily
  • Start Clean Eating
  • Begin Eliminating Sugar from Diet

2013 Races

11-30-13...Stennis 5k
11-23-13...Turkey Trot 5k
11-08-13...Run For The Kids Virtual Half [St. Jude's]
10-12-13...Shrimp Festival 5k
09-22-13...Talladega Half
07-04-13...Wesson 2 Miles
06-29-13...Emz Liverpalooza 5k
05-18-13...Pursuit of Fun 5k
04-20-13..Warrior Dash
04-07-13...Gulf Coast Half-Pensacola
03-23-13...Azalea Trail 10k
03-10-13...Leprechaun 5k
02-24-13...NOLA Marathon
02-02-13...Double Bridge 15k-Pensacola
01-13-13....Gulf Coast Half-Lulu's

2013 Goals

  • 3 Half Marathons-Done-Plus 1
  • 1 Marathon-Done
  • 1000 Running Miles-No, due to RC Tendonitis & Broken Shoulder
  • Eat fruit daily-A little aggressive but better
  • Maintain weight in 130's-Did NOT happen!

2012 Races

12-08-12...FloraBama Jingle Bell 5k
11-24-12...Jingle Bell 10k
11-17-12...Turkey Trot 5k
10-27-12...Jazz Half
10-20-12...OS Rotary 5k
10-13-12...Race for Grace 5k
09-29-12...5k For Katlyn
07-04-12...Wesson 2 Mile
04-15-12...Gulf Coast Half...[Withdrew-bronchitis]
04-14-12...Diversity Dash 5k
03-24-12...Azalea Trail 10k
03-03-12...MS50 20k...[Withdrew-bronchitis]
02-25-12...Kids Need Heroes 5k
02-11-12...Sweetheart 5k
02-04-12..Double Bridge 15k
01-14-12...Pensacola Half

2012 Goals

  • 1 Full Marathon-Marine Corp filled up
  • 3 Half Marathons-2 Down-Sick had to drop 2
  • 20 Miles-Wkly Mileage-Bronchitis kept me from this
  • Cross Training 2x Week-Poor Commitment
  • Weekly Weights W/O-Again Poor Commitment

2011 Races

  • 11-26-11...Kaiser Half
  • 11-19-11...Turkey Trot 5k
  • 11-11-11...Thumbs Up for Bill 5k
  • 11-05-11...Senior Bowl 10k
  • 10-22-11...Running the Streets 5k
  • 10-15-11...Shrimp Festival 10k
  • 10-08-11...Mullet Run 5k
  • 09-24-11...Waiting for a Cure 8k
  • 09-05-11...Labor Your Legs 5k
  • 07-04-11...Wesson 2 Miles
  • 06-04-11...Bay Fest 5k
  • 05-14-11...Stargazer 5k
  • 04-30-11...Fiesta 5 Flags 5k
  • 04-16-11...St. Benedict's 5k
  • 04-10-11...Gulf Coast Half
  • 03-26-11...Azalea Trail 10k
  • 03-19-11...St. Patrick's 5k
  • 03-05-11...Eco 5k
  • 02-13-11...Mardi Gras Marathon

Secrets to Running a 5k

Here is an excellent site for those who have thought about running a 5k race but just hadn't made that move yet. There's tips, directions and even a section on what to wear. If you have never run a race, you are missing out on a lot of fun. You will have support from most everyone you meet. Now for the site...click here to change your life and get started!

Free Online Health Calculators & Nutritional Databases

* Calories Burned Calculator - you choose the activity, total minutes doing the activity, and your weight.
* Target Heart Rate Calculator - you choose the activity, total minutes doing the activity, and your weight.
* Food Database - you type in the food category, the food and the nutritional label will come up.
* Weight Maintenance Calculator for Women - you input the info and the calculator will come up with the amount of calories to maintain your weight.
* Weight Maintenance Calculator for Men - same as for women.
* Body Mass Index - find out your BMI with this calculator.
* Healthy Weight Calculator for Women - determines your healthy weight for your height.
* Healthy Weight Calculator for Men - same as for women.
* The Longevity Game - a fun question and answer game that finishes with your "lifestyle" and how long you'll live. [I finished with a great 93 years of age!!]