First off, the course was off: it was 3.16 miles. That adds up, for those that may not know. Starting up front, I had very few I had to get around and the street was wide so there was no problem there. I took every tangent and I know my Garmin was right cause even Kent got the same distance.
Second, the race started with both races at the same time: 5k and the 1 Mile Fun Run. Guess where the kids got?? Yep! Luckily, we thought through this before it started and began alongside of them allowing them half the road for about a quarter mile. But like I said, the street was wide and this wasn't an issue after you got "out of the gate". Both races ran the same course with the Fun Run returning to the start at the first turn-around early in the race.
The course was a good one but should have been shorter. It went to the center of The Wharf Mall turning right going out to the main road, turn around, come back to the middle of the mall and take a right. As you exited the shopping area, you crossed over a small bridge, then another and another and another to the main road again, turn around and head straight back to the starting line crossing the four wooden bridges. Everything is mannicured and you pass the waterpark area and the outdoor arena where they have well known bands perform. It's clean and fresh. Really nice.
From the very beginning I knew this was going to be a good run because of a lady that's in my age group that races in the area. We've competed several times before. I've been ahead of her every time except for the last one and I was struggling with my knee in that race. She's improving and it is making me push my body a little harder. I like it!! She was my shadow the whole race. No, literally. I saw her shadow just behind me except for only a couple of times when I could tell she had dropped away. At the end, I maintained my pace and she dropped back with 3-4 people passing her. Thanks, Mo, for making me run harder.
Thirdly, it came time for the winners presentation. It is here where I've never seen such a mess. I'm trying not to be too hard or critical but, honestly, it was the worst we've ever seen! I'm just going to mention a FEW things. They began with the announcements: Overall winners were announced, Masters winners were announced, then they called out the Grand Masters. The Female was the same as the Masters! I felt like I had won the GM but not sure. But one thing I've learned in racing is that no one receives TWO of the main awards! We couldn't believe that the company that was compiling the results didn't catch this. They do a lot of the races in the area so they know how it is suppose to be. Right after this, Kent's name was called for the Overall Male Racewalker! So now, he's going to check on the GM award.
Well, they begin to do the age group awards and, get this, they gave those that received overall awards First Place in their age groups. Well, duh!! Yeah, they won. But this knocked out those that would have received third place. In other words, there were only two awards for four age groups. While everyone received double awards, the one that was suppose to get the Masters AND Grand Masters awards wasn't even called for her age group. So, do you or do you not get two awards! Hmmmm. She had left so she wasn't even there to deal with this situation. The lady told Kent that she would check on this and thought it wasn't right either. Well, my name was called and I received first place in my a/g. Of course, being older and toward the end of the presentation, I know that the awards are about over. I saw the red haired lady (RHL) with the computer so I went to her to see if they had it straight yet cause I didn't want the lady that would have won third place to leave without getting it.
Well, here comes "another" the RHL is telling me that someone else came ahead of me...ALTHOUGH...her name wasn't called out NOR had it been listed on the results printout. I was puzzled. She goes on...and says that they can't figure out what happened to her. What??? Did she cross the line or not?? Said that they think that she must have changed her mind and run the Fun Run. Have you ever heard of such?? Because they couldn't "find" her, they decided (in my presence) to disqualify her because they think she didn't run at all. Well, did she cross the line and where was her name on the results list?? So because of their craziness, they decided to DQ her and "give" me the award. I don't want that!! I ran hard...I earned it, IF I won it. I don't WANT an award. I earn it and no other way do I want it. Running is not a "feel sorry" sport. And, it's simple. You have a clock and you either cross the line being clocked or you don't. I think I'm in the Twilight Zone!!!! This is so bazaar...
Another thing: did you know that you could win an award if you ran a 5k AND be entered in a Fun Run AT THE SAME TIME??? Poor kids!! Many didn't get awards because some got two awards in two different races at the same time. Either they are FAST 5k runners to win in the Fun Run or something. Another confirmation that we have entered the TZ! Where's the music? I'm getting dizzy...
Everything was totally weird. They checked the stats again and saw that I should have the GM Award. Most of all, I felt so bad for all those people who did NOT receive their Third Place Award, which they deserved, as well as the others that would have been bumped up a place. I came in 37th out of 182 runners. But, I'm really wondering if they even know how many they had. Were some double listed? I mean come on. Their final Award Results showed that everyone received one award and there were third place winners that they never announced.
This was waaaay too much to deal with for a simple race with few runners. Not worth it. So, I say, "ta-ta" and someone else can do this next year. Oh, btw, there were only three of us from Mississippi. We all three won awards. As a matter of fact, the lady that one the Masters Award is from Meridian.
Adjusting the time/distance to be accurate, Kent's time would have been a solid minute better! Mine would have been about 25 seconds better. Here we are with are awards. My award was "presented" to me in private so Kent took my pic outside the camper.
Here are a few pics of the cutest little girl that got in the middle of the presentation area right by herself to dance to the Stanky Leg song, which she requested. And that hat fit her personality perfectly!! Just adorable. She was about 6 years old. After she "performed" the awards presentation began.
Until next time...keep on running. YOU are your competitor!
Okay, that WAY beats my worst race where they didn't have male and female - just age group! I must mention, however, that when I spoke to someone about this they fixed it and THIS year's race not only had male and female in each age group, but they divided the younger age group to give the kids a better chance of competing! Plus, they had some GREAT door prizes! Hope your race learned from their mistakes...cause no one wants to run in a bad race. (Is there such a thing? After your story I'd say the answer is YES! LOL)
I ran in a race that was timed by this same outfit yesterday. I could not stay for the awards, but, in talking with another participant at church today, we were both unsure that our times were accurate. He finished about 30 yards ahead of me, but our times were two seconds apart. And a man I passed just before the finish line is listed as 15 seconds behind me. Definitely room for improvement!
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