Ran at the Sportsplex really early Tuesday morning with Frank getting in over 8 total miles: 1.15 warm up, 6 running and ending with another 1.15 cool down. I was stiff from the hill race on Saturday but not actually sore. It was good. Our pace was comfortable and actually I felt like I might could have run another mile. Decided to be kind to my body and not overwork it.
Wednesday I decided to hit my treadmill. It was a struggle but my mental state of mind took over and pushed me through the beginning. That's all it usually takes. Once I get started, I'm okay. As a matter of fact, I felt great. Ran 5 miles at a 9:09 pace at 1.5 grade. Worked on core, abs and floor work. Also got in some weight exercises. I really felt GREAT when I was finished.
Thursday I joined the Wellness Center. I thought if I was going to begin inside work I may as well take advantage of the availability of many pieces of equipment a gym offers. Mostly, I wanted to give my hand a try at spinning. Classes are included with the WC membership. Can't wait to see if I can spin longer than 5 miles, ha. That day I came prepared to do a little workout so I jumped on the bike (not spinning) and got in 5 miles. I could feel the muscles in my quads and I was excited about that. No pain, just good ole hard work...hard for me. I'm a wimp at biking but hope I can improve that this summer. Also, got in a couple of miles on the TM and ended with some inverted sit-ups...one of my favorite exercises to do. I LOVE feeling my core working. It hurts and I push myself cause the results are great, even in only a couple of workouts. I really need to get up to speed with my core work. I've been slacking in this area.
Friday through Sunday was extremely busy. Friday morning we had to attend a funeral of a friend's dad. He was recently diagnosed with cancer and given only a couple of months to live. He never made it! Had planned on working out at that time but this took precedence. We left shortly thereafter going to watch our grandson play All-Stars Baseball in Hattiesburg. I love watching baseball especially when he's playing. This took up the afternoon. Afterwards we did a few errands while there. Sitting outside in the heat really takes all energies out. Saturday morning we were off to H'burg again. Sunday morning before Sunday School, I hopped on the TM at home and got in 5 good miles. If felt really good as I had only planned on three. After church and lunch, we're hitting the road one final time for a whole afternoon of baseball. I wouldn't change a thing. Sometimes "life" happens and you just have to adjust. We got home quite late Sunday night as there was more than one game played and we had a chance to have a good family visit over dinner. Our little sweet man even got a home run the last game...woo-hoo!! We're so proud of him. They came out winning the tournament. Here he is sliding into home:
Now, tell me...ain't he the cutest...[no grandparent can answer here, ha!]
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