After lining up, the directors gave great instructions on racewalking, which is hardly ever done. This included instructing anyone who ran that was signed up for walking would be disqualified. Off we went and I was going pretty strong. Close to the one mile mark I noticed my pace was way too fast so early in a race. The course was nice and flat and there were course volunteers spread throughout cheering and directing course turns as well as mile markers where times were announced accurately. When we made the halfway mark we began to face some gusty headwinds. This made a difference in my running. But that wasn't all. I was running as well as I could and was losing ground on a good race.
Kent finished pretty strong. Everyone was so excited to see him coming and cross the line. I couldn't believe all cheering I heard for him and wished he could have, too. They had no idea I was his wife so this made it extra special. I snapped a quick picture as he crossed the line.
Also one of us.
There were more different kinds of food than I've seen at a 5k. There were three looooong tables. The first table had several different kinds of fruit, different kinds of mini muffins and Gogurts.
The second table had: bagels with three different kinds of cream cheese spreads, bananas, HOT pizzas from Mellow Mushroom and Krispy Kreme donuts. A little later a large chocolate sheet cake was brought out and put on this table.
The third table had very long sub sandwiches cut into pieces with lots of trimmings to add; you can barely see it waaaay down at the end. One thing we've not had before were these Team Realtree Outdoor Energy Low Carb drinks. They are in metal containers. I tried one and really liked it. It tastes like Cream Soda and I haven't had one of these in a very long time. The nutritional facts are: 10 calories, 0 fat, 3 g carb, 3 g sugars, 10 mg sodium and lots of B vitamins. FYI...I do NOT partake of "energy" drinks. The other drinks available by this company were not "low carb" and was high in calories, sodium, etc. I liked the fizz in it and I'm not ignorant to think it is the perfect new drink. But it seems to meet my piddly standards for now. I hope we can find more of these to keep on hand.
This was a low participated race. Not sure why because it was a great one unless it wasn't advertised much. I won First Place in my age group with one of the worst 5k times I've had since racing. I was really disappointed. You must understand I'm not disappointed in winning something but in my efforts and ability. I KNOW I can do much better. The lady that beat me I always beat; she even went around saying that to some. Even with the time she finished on this race, I should have beat that by about a minute!!! Not too good, huh? She and I have become friends and race almost every race together. She is very strong in longer runs but I usually win on the 5k's and 10k's. She's run for years and has run over 100 marathons; she's run the Marine Corps marathon for 25 years straight and many more than those! I feel honored to run alongside of her. My award was a gift certificate to the Nike outlet store.
Kent won 2nd Overall Racewalker. He did really good.
We had eaten greasy ribs the day before and that played a part in my pitiful race. Without sharing one of my worse times I'll just say that I knew better to eat like I did and did it anyway. All in all, I was not in racing shape. Shame on me!!! I am excited to do this race again but next time I'll be in better racing condition...I can and I will get back to shape. Not giving up, I'm gonna
Run 4 It
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